Tuesday 15 November 2011

The Sequel

"We can tell our values by looking at our checkbook stubs." -- Gloria Steinem

oh boy! If this is true then I value a well fed and well dressed household! Much of my monies do seem to get spent on...well...appearances. And that doesn't just apply to myself. I like to spend money 'dressing' up my home as well. 

And I don't necessarily think that it's a bad thing. I truly think that taking pride in our appearances is a valuable and honorable thing to do. But there is a fine line between 'dressing' up a house and 'dressing' up a life. It is very easy to get carried away these days with the idea of keeping up with the Jones'. And who can blame us?! We are constantly bombarded with images of success in media that exude designer labels and multiple vehicles and even higher end gourmet foodstuffs. Who wouldn't want to live like this?!

This post seems to piggyback off of my last.....wants vs. needs. How hard is it to separate the two!?

My childhood was pretty typical. I had young parents who struggled to make ends meet. But they made due. They had their lucky breaks and tough calls but I don't remember ever being in need of anything. Honestly, I don't remember really be in want either. I think my parents did a pretty good job of teaching me the difference between the two and because I had that knowledge (and an incredible imagination) I got along just fine! 

Nowadays I have been noticing a slight shift. My parents are better off (due to years of hard work and perseverance) and have been able to indulge in life and 'things' a little more. I too have been successful enough to allow myself a few more of the comforts of life than most. Being a teacher in this country doesn't always allow for that and I am forever grateful. However, it hasn't been without its sacrifices and because of that perhaps my creature comforts have become a little more....wanty rather than needy...

But hey....all's well that ends well! Let's hope my consumerism never out grows the lessons my parents first taught me about loving and living and wants vs. needs.

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