Sunday 13 November 2011

To be Gay or not to be Gay....

"Girls who put out are tramps. Girls who don't are ladies. This is, however, a rather archaic usage of the word. Should one of you boys happen upon a girl who doesn't put out, do not jump to the conclusion that you have found a lady. What you have probably found is a lesbian." -- Fran Lebowitz

HA! Gone are the times when men didn't worry about dating a lesbian! 

I am always amazed at how prevalent gay culture has become in today's society. When I was younger, I hardly knew knew what a lesbian was! Now you can't turn around without running into someone who has had at least one 'experience'! 

And that's the other thing I wonder do lesbians feel about those one-timers who somehow manage to hook up with their girlfriends in college?? Do they think they're posers? Wannabes? Do real lesbians think these 'fakers' dilute the pool of opportunity or enrich it?? 

And why do people 'fake' it anyway? Has lesbianism become this generation's cigarettes??  

And while we're on the topic...did you hear that Bert and Ernie are finally tying the knot?! It's true, Sesame Street is finally giving in to that powerful rumour that Bert and Ernie aren't just cohabiting.....they're copulating! (*insert cheesy Ernie laugh here*). And to show they're 'support' for gay marriage....the story is....Bert and Ernie are doin' it on air! ...ahem...getting married that is.

And you know....I'm not exactly complaining. I, for one, am glad to see so many embrace their true selves. It just kinda makes me wonder... I gay?!?! 

(just kidding mom!) 

: D

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