Monday, 14 November 2011

Wants vs. Needs

"I've learned that getting what you want gives you a pretty high batting average, and leaves you plenty to struggle for." -- Loretta Young

Ain't that the truth! What's that saying....'be careful what you wish for'?! 

As ironic as it sounds, I have never been so unhappy as the times that I have gotten exactly what I wanted. Without having to work to achieve those 'things' getting them is never quite as fulfilling as you thought it would be. Looks like my parents were onto something there!

All it does is allow others to interpret your life as 'perfect' when in actuality you yourself feel pretty 'empty'.  I guess it really teaches you a lesson about coveting your neighbour. You truely never know what someone else's life is really like. I find that this is the lesson that I am learning over and over and over and .....  

For some reason it so so easy to slide into the view that the grass is greener in someone else's world. Yet, inevitably, whenever I start to feel sorry for my situation, that 'greater power' always seems to give me that sneak peek into the reality of that life and suddenly my thought process switches. 

I begin to realize that I've got it pretty good. A warm house. A loving family. A good job. 

Maybe it's better to share my joy then be jealous of something without even knowing its true cost.

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